Mathlib review and triage dashboard

This dashboard was last updated on: September 16, 2024 at 17:25 UTC
Feedback on this dashboard is welcome, for instance directly on the github repository.

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Overall statistics

Found 1065 open PRs overall. Disregarding their CI state, of these PRs

Review queue

Number Author Title Labels +/- 📝 💬 Updated
#14809 jjaassoonn feat(AlgebraicGeometry/Tilde): add the map from `M` localising at `x` to the stalk of `M^~` at x workshop-AIM-AG-2024 t-algebraic-geometry 122/1 2 7 2024-08-06 13:13 (1 months ago)
#15452 tomaz1502 feat(Computability.Timed): Formalization of runtime complexity of List.mergeSort t-logic 526/0 5 0 2024-08-14 07:49 (1 months ago)
#15451 tomaz1502 feat(Computability.Timed): Formalization of runtime complexity of List.merge t-logic 287/0 4 0 2024-08-14 07:49 (1 months ago)
#15449 tomaz1502 feat(Computability.Timed): Formalization of runtime complexity of insertion sort t-logic 104/0 2 0 2024-08-14 07:50 (1 months ago)
#15028 apnelson1 feat(Data/Matroid/Closure): closure + insertion API t-data 113/2 1 7 2024-08-14 09:50 (1 months ago)
#15647 TpmKranz feat(Data/FinEnum): Option instance and Type recursor new-contributor t-logic 69/0 2 1 2024-08-14 10:04 (1 months ago)
#15546 IvanRenison feat(Combinatorics/SimpleGraph): Add definition of disjoint sum of graphs t-combinatorics 78/0 2 2 2024-08-15 18:07 (1 months ago)
#15930 vihdzp feat(SetTheory/Ordinal/Exponential): `log b x = y ↔ x ∈ Set.Ico (b ^ y) (b ^ (succ y))` t-logic 50/26 1 1 2024-08-18 07:15 (29 days ago)
#15212 victorliu5296 feat: Add fundamental theorem of calculus-2 for Banach spaces new-contributor t-measure-probability t-analysis 60/1 1 1 2024-08-18 16:14 (29 days ago)
#15947 jsm28 feat(Data/Setoid/Basic): `prod` and `piSetoid` lemmas and equivs t-data 41/0 1 1 2024-08-18 19:08 (28 days ago)
#11090 pangelinos feat: define spectral spaces and prove that a quasi-compact open of a spectral space is spectral new-contributor t-topology please-adopt good first issue 69/0 1 15 2024-08-19 14:43 (28 days ago)
#14981 AntoineChambert-Loir feat(MvPowerSeries.LexOrder): lexicographic order of multivariate power series t-algebra 215/1 5 11 2024-08-21 12:48 (26 days ago)
#14983 AntoineChambert-Loir feat(MvPowerSeries.Order): order of multivariate power series t-order 537/4 6 13 2024-08-21 12:48 (26 days ago)
#14990 AntoineChambert-Loir feat: define of linear topologies t-algebra t-topology 235/0 2 1 2024-08-21 12:48 (26 days ago)
#16047 mattrobball chore(Algebra.Order.Monoid.TypeTags): split into unbundled and bundled ordered algebra 115/103 4 1 2024-08-21 22:17 (25 days ago)
#15259 erdOne feat(AlgebraicGeometry): API for affine opens t-algebraic-geometry 98/25 2 1 2024-08-22 16:05 (25 days ago)
#16061 vihdzp feat(Data/Finsupp/Defs): `induction_on_max` t-data 46/0 1 2 2024-08-23 00:17 (24 days ago)
#15651 TpmKranz feat(Computability/NFA): operations for Thompson's construction t-computability new-contributor 307/5 1 6 2024-08-23 13:44 (24 days ago)
#16106 ScottCarnahan feat(RingTheory/LaurentSeries): composition of Hasse Derivatives t-algebra 64/4 2 1 2024-08-25 11:01 (22 days ago)
#15686 robertmaxton42 refactor (LinearAlgebra/FreeProduct): move PowerAlgebra construction to its own namespace, minor simp opts new-contributor 141/11 1 1 2024-08-26 04:11 (21 days ago)
#13964 pechersky feat(Data/DigitExpansion): begin defining variant of reals without rationals t-data 518/0 3 5 2024-08-27 14:40 (20 days ago)
#13786 Multramate feat(NumberTheory/EllipticDivisibilitySequence): extend even-odd recursion to integers t-number-theory 211/96 4 8 2024-08-27 15:26 (20 days ago)
#9250 FR-vdash-bot chore(Algebra/Order/GroupWithZero/Unbundled): remove useless lemmas, use `ZeroLEOneClass` t-order t-algebra 246/113 5 2 2024-08-28 03:18 (19 days ago)
#15894 dagurtomas feat(CategoryTheory/Monoidal): Day's reflection theorem t-category-theory 300/0 5 4 2024-08-28 10:55 (19 days ago)
#15915 vihdzp chore(SetTheory/Ordinal/CantorNormalForm): `CNF.exponents` and `CNF.coeffs` t-logic 86/58 2 9 2024-08-28 14:07 (19 days ago)
#16164 ScottCarnahan feat (RingTheory/HahnSeries) : coefficient-wise map t-algebra 81/19 4 3 2024-08-28 17:39 (18 days ago)
#16183 YaelDillies feat: The translation operator t-algebra 80/0 2 9 2024-08-29 08:04 (18 days ago)
#15418 LorenzoLuccioli feat: Results about `Countable` and `CountableOrCountablyGenerated` for products t-measure-probability 41/4 2 4 2024-08-29 16:12 (18 days ago)
#16267 FR-vdash-bot chore(Order/RelIso/Basic): `[s : Setoid α]` => `{s : Setoid α}` t-data t-order 19/18 2 1 2024-08-29 16:31 (18 days ago)
#16087 YaelDillies chore: Rename `Topology.RestrictGenTopology` to `Topology.RestrictGen` t-topology 2/2 3 1 2024-08-30 14:35 (17 days ago)
#16254 FR-vdash-bot chore: add coercion for `Setoid` t-data 13/3 2 1 2024-08-30 16:10 (17 days ago)
#16278 b-mehta feat(Analysis/Convex): Birkhoff's theorem and doubly stochastic matrices t-analysis 306/0 3 9 2024-08-30 17:51 (16 days ago)
#15239 EtienneC30 feat: compactly generated spaces for proper maps and preimages of compact sets / proper and properly discontinuous actions t-topology 51/141 4 2 2024-08-30 21:12 (16 days ago)
#15904 vihdzp refactor: delete IsWellOrderLimitElement.lean t-order t-category-theory RFC 31/127 3 3 2024-08-31 04:36 (16 days ago)
#15773 kkytola feat: Add type class for ENat-valued floor functions t-order 231/0 3 2 2024-08-31 23:20 (15 days ago)
#15990 vihdzp feat(SetTheory/Ordinal/Exponential): more lemmas on `Ordinal.log` t-logic 44/6 1 1 2024-09-01 17:03 (15 days ago)
#15991 vihdzp feat(SetTheory/Ordinal/CantorNormalForm): induct on base `ω` CNF t-logic 45/0 2 1 2024-09-01 18:33 (14 days ago)
#16392 Ruben-VandeVelde chore: rename IsAlgClosure fields 25/22 5 1 2024-09-01 19:47 (14 days ago)
#15522 PhoenixIra feat: monotonicity lemmas for OrdinalApprox new-contributor t-logic t-order 53/10 1 16 2024-09-02 09:20 (14 days ago)
#16409 Ruben-VandeVelde doc: fix some issues under RepresentationTheory 14/15 5 1 2024-09-02 09:25 (14 days ago)
#16256 FR-vdash-bot chore(Data/Quot): `[s : Setoid α]` => `{s : Setoid α}` t-data 23/23 3 1 2024-09-02 10:08 (14 days ago)
#16305 adomani feat: `#guard_exceptions` -- like `#guard_msgs` but for parsers t-meta 69/0 3 2 2024-09-02 14:02 (14 days ago)
#16283 vihdzp doc(SetTheory/Ordinal/Notation): rewrap and improve docs t-logic documentation 65/71 1 17 2024-09-02 18:40 (13 days ago)
#16065 marcusrossel feat: stability of `List.insertionSort` t-data new-contributor 87/0 1 15 2024-09-03 08:42 (13 days ago)
#16406 PhoenixIra doc: Improve documentation of ordinal-indexed approximations new-contributor t-logic 34/29 1 14 2024-09-03 12:14 (13 days ago)
#15346 acmepjz feat(RingTheory/LinearDisjoint): definition and properties of linearly disjoint of subalgebras t-algebra 606/1 3 9 2024-09-03 13:57 (13 days ago)
#12519 EtienneC30 feat: separable measure and sufficient condition for Lp spaces to be second-countable t-measure-probability 520/0 2 44 2024-09-03 17:05 (13 days ago)
#14237 js2357 feat: Define the localization of a fractional ideal at a prime ideal new-contributor t-algebra 230/0 3 19 2024-09-04 04:16 (12 days ago)
#13248 hcWang942 feat: basic concepts of auction theory new-contributor t-logic 204/0 3 123 2024-09-04 05:59 (12 days ago)
#15113 acmepjz feat: add `map_i[I]nf` for sub(semi)ring, subalgebra, subfield etc. t-algebra 143/0 13 4 2024-09-04 12:08 (12 days ago)
#16454 adomani test: CI bench 375/0 3 2 2024-09-04 20:14 (11 days ago)
#16361 vihdzp chore(SetTheory/Ordinal/FixedPointApproximants): golf + better variable management t-logic 66/102 1 1 2024-09-05 04:03 (11 days ago)
#14986 MichaelStollBayreuth feat(LinearAlgebra/QuadraticForm/Basic): weaken invertibility hypothesis on 2 t-algebra 110/54 2 5 2024-09-05 06:35 (11 days ago)
#15466 LorenzoLuccioli feat (Probability.Kernel): Add definitions and API for `Kernel.fst'` and `snd'` t-measure-probability 98/0 2 3 2024-09-05 07:33 (11 days ago)
#16472 YaelDillies feat(ContextFreeGrammar): More lemmas about reversal t-computability 103/55 2 12 2024-09-05 07:51 (11 days ago)
#16489 Ruben-VandeVelde chore: split Topology.Algebra.Module.WeakDual 175/126 7 2 2024-09-05 08:16 (11 days ago)
#16483 smmercuri feat: the completion of a number field at an infinite place new-contributor t-algebra t-number-theory 346/0 4 1 2024-09-05 10:17 (11 days ago)
#16503 ChrisHughes24 feat(ModelTheory): Turning polynomials into ring terms t-logic t-algebra 94/0 2 2 2024-09-05 15:20 (11 days ago)
#14515 joelriou feat: the (covariant) long exact sequence of Ext t-category-theory 176/1 5 4 2024-09-05 16:22 (11 days ago)
#16447 YaelDillies feat: L2 inner product of finite sequences t-analysis 172/0 2 3 2024-09-05 20:04 (10 days ago)
#15764 vihdzp feat(Counterexamples/GameMultiplication): pre-game product cannot be lifted to games t-logic 93/8 3 6 2024-09-06 02:23 (10 days ago)
#16293 vihdzp feat(MeasureTheory/MeasurableSpace/Basic): sigma-algebra generated by an element t-measure-probability 28/1 3 4 2024-09-06 05:56 (10 days ago)
#15779 vihdzp feat(SetTheory/Game/PGame): Improve `insertLeft` / `insertRight` API t-logic 178/70 2 2 2024-09-06 06:03 (10 days ago)
#15443 YaelDillies feat: The Marcinkiewicz-Zygmund inequality t-analysis 341/19 6 26 2024-09-06 08:38 (10 days ago)
#15527 dagurtomas feat(Topology): the partition of a space into fibers of a function t-topology 142/0 3 6 2024-09-06 14:54 (10 days ago)
#15705 YaelDillies feat: The Erdős–Ko–Rado theorem t-combinatorics 109/0 1 5 2024-09-06 15:10 (10 days ago)
#15793 vihdzp feat(SetTheory/ZFC/Ordinal): Initial development of ordinals in ZFSet t-logic 58/15 1 8 2024-09-06 17:14 (10 days ago)
#16569 JonBannon feat: (Analysis.InnerProductSpace) Decomposition of Finite-Dimensional Inner Product Space as Direct Sum of Joint Eigenspaces of Commuting Finite Tuples of Symmetric Operators t-analysis 132/4 1 1 2024-09-07 12:36 (9 days ago)
#16579 madvorak chore(Archive/IMO): refactoring 2021Q1 IMO 19/22 1 13 2024-09-07 18:13 (8 days ago)
#15425 pechersky feat(QuotientGroup,Ideal/Quotient): group is finite if quotient is finite t-algebra 60/0 4 15 2024-09-08 18:07 (7 days ago)
#14768 pechersky feat(MetricSpace/Ultra/Normed): Nonarchimedean norms from ultrametrics t-algebra t-topology t-number-theory 460/4 7 2 2024-09-09 01:11 (7 days ago)
#14999 YaelDillies feat: Convex functions are continuous t-analysis 225/2 4 19 2024-09-09 05:33 (7 days ago)
#16543 CBirkbeck feat(Analysis/NormedSpace/FunctionSeries): add eventually versions t-analysis 69/1 1 16 2024-09-09 08:22 (7 days ago)
#16542 CBirkbeck feat(Analysis): integer complement in `ℂ` t-analysis 61/0 2 3 2024-09-09 08:25 (7 days ago)
#15741 mariainesdff feat(Data/Int/WithZero): add WithZeroMultIntToNNReal t-algebra 95/0 2 3 2024-09-09 08:35 (7 days ago)
#15906 grunweg feat: define singular `n`-manifolds t-differential-geometry 212/0 2 4 2024-09-09 08:41 (7 days ago)
#15723 mariainesdff feat(FieldTheory): add lemmas about minpoly t-algebra 29/0 2 3 2024-09-09 08:45 (7 days ago)
#16632 urkud feat(Filter/Ker): prove `ker_iSup` etc t-order 17/0 1 1 2024-09-09 13:43 (7 days ago)
#15053 joelriou feat(CategoryTheory): the short exact sequence of abelian sheaves of a Mayer-Vietoris square t-category-theory 137/9 4 2 2024-09-09 13:44 (7 days ago)
#16298 joelriou feat(Algebra/Homology): study of the source of the associator isomorphism for the action of bifunctors on homological complexes t-category-theory 207/1 1 1 2024-09-09 13:45 (7 days ago)
#15939 pechersky feat(RingTheory): `Valuation.Integers.not_denselyOrdered_of_isPrincipalIdealRing` t-algebra 62/0 1 3 2024-09-09 15:47 (7 days ago)
#16122 kbuzzard feat: tensoring with R^n, n finite. t-algebra 175/0 3 3 2024-09-09 20:40 (6 days ago)
#16574 adomani feat: the header linter t-linter 442/0 6 17 2024-09-09 20:54 (6 days ago)
#16649 ScottCarnahan feat (RingTheory/HahnSeries/Summable) : coeff fcn, singleton family, family equiv t-algebra 54/5 1 1 2024-09-10 01:52 (6 days ago)
#15914 vihdzp feat(Data/List/Sort): `List.Sorted.cons` t-data t-order 12/0 1 14 2024-09-10 03:07 (6 days ago)
#12982 callesonne feat(FiberCategory/Fibered): define fibered categories new-contributor t-category-theory 146/6 3 13 2024-09-10 03:16 (6 days ago)
#16282 Felix-Weilacher feat(Algebra/Group/Action): add definition of equidecomposition t-algebra 219/0 2 2 2024-09-10 04:16 (6 days ago)
#15711 znssong feat(Combinatorics/SimpleGraph): Some lemmas about walk, cycle and Hamiltonian cycle new-contributor t-combinatorics 407/3 4 20 2024-09-10 12:37 (6 days ago)
#15033 chrisflav feat(AlgebraicGeometry): factorization of morphisms with affine target t-algebraic-geometry 78/0 2 2 2024-09-10 15:40 (6 days ago)
#11977 101damnations feat: tensor products of bialgebras t-category-theory 217/0 3 2 2024-09-10 18:52 (5 days ago)
#16514 euprunin chore(Mathlib/Util): sort imports alphabetically maintainer-merge 29/29 21 5 2024-09-10 18:53 (5 days ago)
#16687 jouglasheen feat: a nonarchimedean group is totally disconnected new-contributor t-number-theory 189/0 3 1 2024-09-10 21:21 (5 days ago)
#16663 YnirPaz feat (Mathlib/SetTheory/Ordinal/Arithmetic): add bounded recursion on ordinals new-contributor t-logic 28/0 1 12 2024-09-10 22:16 (5 days ago)
#16586 vihdzp chore(SetTheory/Ordinal/Arithmetic): `WellFounded.rank` → `IsWellFounded.rank` t-order 96/34 4 2 2024-09-10 23:21 (5 days ago)
#16250 Parcly-Taxel chore: deprime `induction, cases` in `Combinatorics` tech debt 323/267 39 1 2024-09-10 23:53 (5 days ago)
#16584 AntoineChambert-Loir feat (Mathlib/RingTheory/MvPolynomial/Groebner) : monomial orders and division t-algebra 1068/1 7 8 2024-09-11 10:32 (5 days ago)
#14874 rwst feat(Nat/Prime): Primality of some numbers of form `a^n±1` t-number-theory 118/0 2 43 2024-09-11 16:30 (5 days ago)
#16675 xroblot feat(Analysis/BoxIntegral): Add `UnitPartition` t-analysis 294/0 3 1 2024-09-11 16:35 (5 days ago)
#15426 pechersky feat(Ideal/IsPrincipalPowQuotient): R/I equiv I^n/I^(n+1) t-algebra 131/0 3 10 2024-09-12 01:32 (4 days ago)
#16656 mo271 feat(Data/Fintype/List): generalize `fintypeNodupList` (no `DecidableEq`) t-data 64/24 2 3 2024-09-12 07:36 (4 days ago)
#16705 iehality feat(Computability): r.e. sets are closed under inter/union/projection/composition t-computability 130/0 1 1 2024-09-12 07:37 (4 days ago)
#16394 vihdzp feat(SetTheory/Cardinal/Basic): generalize universes t-logic 20/12 5 6 2024-09-12 07:49 (4 days ago)
#16216 jxjwan feat(RingTheory): isotypic components t-algebra 308/0 3 0 2024-09-12 07:53 (4 days ago)
#16723 vihdzp feat(Logic/Small/Set): `Small (Iic a) → Small (Ixx a)`, etc. t-order 28/18 4 1 2024-09-12 08:25 (4 days ago)
#16710 YnirPaz feat(SetTheory/Ordinal/Topology): define Ordinal.IsClosed and Ordinal.IsAcc t-set-theory new-contributor 37/0 2 9 2024-09-12 08:32 (4 days ago)
#16666 eric-wieser fix: call checkSystem in `linarith` and `ring` t-meta 239/112 7 5 2024-09-12 08:33 (4 days ago)
#15744 urkud chore(Filter/Pi): add `dcomp_map_pi` t-order t-topology 61/0 3 4 2024-09-12 14:26 (4 days ago)
#14269 Colin166 feat(NumberTheory/FactorisationProperties): abundant, pseudoperfect, deficient, and weird numbers new-contributor t-number-theory help-wanted 192/0 2 79 2024-09-12 17:23 (4 days ago)
#16737 urkud chore(UniformSpace): move `ofFun` to a new file t-topology 61/32 9 3 2024-09-12 18:25 (3 days ago)
#16718 Ruben-VandeVelde chore: tidy various files 95/121 25 1 2024-09-12 19:57 (3 days ago)
#15419 callesonne feat(Bicategory/Grothendieck): Grothendieck construction t-category-theory 125/0 2 4 2024-09-12 20:01 (3 days ago)
#16041 vihdzp feat(SetTheory/Ordinal/Arithmetic): `Ordinal.toNat` t-logic 58/0 1 1 2024-09-12 20:41 (3 days ago)
#16741 Ruben-VandeVelde feat: generalize projective module results to semirings FLT 14/15 1 1 2024-09-12 20:49 (3 days ago)
#14033 pfaffelh feat(MeasureTheory): TendstoInMeasure gives ae unique limits; TendstoInMeasure equivalent to subsequences converging ae new-contributor t-measure-probability 208/8 5 77 2024-09-12 20:51 (3 days ago)
#16707 yoh-tanimoto feat(Analysis/InnerProductSpace/Quotient): add the quotient `InnerProductSpace` by the null space t-analysis RFC 240/24 4 9 2024-09-12 23:06 (3 days ago)
#10653 thorimur feat: `tfae_have ... :=` syntax t-meta modifies-tactic-syntax 212/76 3 18 2024-09-13 02:19 (3 days ago)
#16154 Parcly-Taxel chore: remove all non-test uses of `autoImplicit` tech debt 78/38 3 15 2024-09-13 04:10 (3 days ago)
#16390 urkud feat(MeasureTheory): generalize `measure_iUnion_eq_iSup` t-measure-probability 117/127 10 2 2024-09-13 04:33 (3 days ago)
#16426 mans0954 feature(Analysis/Normed/Module/Dual): Add a few polar lemmas t-analysis 18/0 2 6 2024-09-13 06:02 (3 days ago)
#14988 mans0954 refactor(LinearAlgebra/BilinearForm/TensorProduct): Tensor products of bilinear maps t-algebra 113/32 4 5 2024-09-13 06:04 (3 days ago)
#15809 archiebrowne feat(RingTheory/MvPolynomial/Ideal): introduce new lemmas about MvPolynomial Ideals new-contributor t-algebra 38/0 1 4 2024-09-13 06:45 (3 days ago)
#16711 JasonKYi feat(HolderNorm): Define the Hölder norm new-contributor t-analysis 229/0 2 12 2024-09-13 07:28 (3 days ago)
#11968 JovanGerb feat: RefinedDiscrTree new-contributor t-meta 2027/1366 16 24 2024-09-13 08:02 (3 days ago)
#15009 madeve-unipi feat(Analysis/Complex/Hadamard): generalize Hadamard's three lines theorem new-contributor t-analysis 249/17 1 24 2024-09-13 08:33 (3 days ago)
#15883 YaelDillies feat: Expectation of a function over a finset t-algebra 425/0 3 20 2024-09-13 10:13 (3 days ago)
#16555 nomeata feat(KrullDimension): height_strictMono, mapping theorems t-order 35/0 1 17 2024-09-13 10:52 (3 days ago)
#15644 AntoineChambert-Loir feat(Combinatorics/Enumerative/Bell): number of ways of partitioning a set into subsets of given cardinalities t-data t-combinatorics 225/0 3 8 2024-09-13 11:30 (3 days ago)
#16728 javra feat(CategoryTheory/Filtered): Finality of StructuredArrow.pre t-category-theory 91/0 2 6 2024-09-13 11:35 (3 days ago)
#14866 AntoineChambert-Loir feat(RingTheory.MvPowerSeries.Topology) : define the product topology on mv power series t-algebra 479/0 4 26 2024-09-13 11:36 (3 days ago)
#14442 amosturchet feat(NumberTheory/Ostrowski): First step of the proof of the Archimedean case of Ostrowski's Theorem new-contributor t-number-theory 167/16 2 32 2024-09-13 12:14 (3 days ago)
#16685 euprunin chore(Mathlib/Combinatorics): sort imports 14/14 14 3 2024-09-13 14:51 (3 days ago)
#16758 jjdishere feat(Topology/Algebra/Valued/NormedValued): add lemmas for `Valued.toNormedField` new-contributor t-algebra 67/0 1 1 2024-09-13 15:08 (3 days ago)
#16190 AlexBrodbelt feat(Archive/Imo): formalize IMO 1982q3 IMO new-contributor 366/0 2 7 2024-09-13 15:35 (3 days ago)
#16746 kbuzzard chore: make OreLocalization.smul not irreducible FLT 1/1 1 4 2024-09-13 15:41 (3 days ago)
#13152 hannahfechtner feat: presented monoids new-contributor t-algebra 403/11 7 23 2024-09-13 16:30 (3 days ago)
#16667 joelriou refactor(Algebra/Category/ModuleCat): redefine presheaves of modules as families of objects in `ModuleCat` workshop-AIM-AG-2024 t-category-theory 482/636 14 1 2024-09-13 19:25 (2 days ago)
#16771 jjdishere feat(FieldTheory): define relative algebraic closure new-contributor t-algebra 208/0 4 2 2024-09-13 20:37 (2 days ago)
#13710 mckoen feat(CategoryTheory): `MonoidalClosed` instance on functors to `Type` new-contributor t-category-theory 76/0 2 18 2024-09-13 21:30 (2 days ago)
#16597 Command-Master feat: prove Cauchy's upper bound on polynomial roots t-analysis 89/0 2 7 2024-09-14 03:38 (2 days ago)
#15277 dupuisf feat(CStarAlgebra): matrices with entries in a C⋆-algebra t-analysis 789/31 7 34 2024-09-14 04:03 (2 days ago)
#16549 urkud feat(Topology): define `IsOpenQuotientMap` t-topology 87/0 4 1 2024-09-14 04:33 (2 days ago)
#16359 vihdzp chore(SetTheory/Cardinal/Basic): organize file t-logic 255/254 6 9 2024-09-14 04:36 (2 days ago)
#16792 Command-Master feat(RingTheory/Derivation/Basic): define lifting a derivation via an algebra homomorphism t-algebra 64/0 1 1 2024-09-14 05:27 (2 days ago)
#14967 Command-Master feat(RingTheory/Derivation/MapCoeffs): define `mapCoeffs` on a differential ring t-algebra 118/2 1 3 2024-09-14 05:36 (2 days ago)
#16786 urkud feat(List): add `exists_mem_iff_getElem` t-data easy 9/0 1 1 2024-09-14 06:13 (2 days ago)
#15478 kkytola feat: in separable Borel spaces, convergence in distribution is metrizable (not just pseudometrizable) t-measure-probability 112/64 1 9 2024-09-14 08:07 (2 days ago)
#15645 haitian-yuki feat: Multiset lemmas t-data maintainer-merge new-contributor 18/0 1 21 2024-09-14 10:11 (2 days ago)
#16143 callesonne feat(MorphismProperty/Presheaf): add `relative` morphism property workshop-AIM-AG-2024 t-category-theory 93/8 1 3 2024-09-14 12:41 (2 days ago)
#15666 pimotte feat(Combinatorics/SimpleGraph): added matchings in cliques t-combinatorics 118/0 4 3 2024-09-14 16:13 (2 days ago)
#16799 awainverse chore(ModelTheory/Equivalence): Cleanup of `FirstOrder.Language.Theory.SemanticallyEquivalent` t-logic 173/130 4 1 2024-09-14 19:09 (1 days ago)
#16772 euprunin feat: add unsorted imports linter awaiting-zulip t-linter 1843/1 2 4 2024-09-14 20:12 (1 days ago)
#16802 bjoernkjoshanssen feat: add First Derivative Test from calculus new-contributor 261/0 3 1 2024-09-14 20:13 (1 days ago)
#15535 adomani feat(Tactic/Linter): the pedantic linter t-linter t-meta 216/3 8 13 2024-09-14 21:01 (1 days ago)
#16020 adomani feat: compare PR `olean`s size with `master` CI 136/0 5 39 2024-09-15 02:09 (1 days ago)
#15897 mattrobball chore: use `Batteries` test driver directly in the lake file CI 2/33 2 4 2024-09-15 02:12 (1 days ago)
#15936 zeramorphic feat: add Dockerfiles for lean and mathlib CI 114/4 5 5 2024-09-15 02:18 (1 days ago)
#16291 urkud feat(LocallyCompact): generalize `*Embedding.locallyCompactSpace` t-topology easy 32/23 3 1 2024-09-15 03:21 (1 days ago)
#16788 urkud chore(Tactic/GCongr): new file for `@[gcongr] leanInitLemma` t-data 17/5 6 1 2024-09-15 05:12 (1 days ago)
#16488 adomani feat(CI): add summary of benchmarking output CI 244/0 2 22 2024-09-15 05:49 (1 days ago)
#15938 adomani feat: add autolabeling of PRs t-meta 416/0 6 22 2024-09-15 07:50 (1 days ago)
#16769 Command-Master feat(Combinatorics/SimpleGraph/Walk): add `penultimate` and `snd` t-combinatorics 68/25 4 1 2024-09-15 09:33 (1 days ago)
#16817 Thmoas-Guan feat(Topology/Group): More on special subgroups new-contributor t-algebra t-topology 237/0 4 2 2024-09-15 10:44 (1 days ago)
#16822 xroblot feat(Module/ZLattice): define the coimage of a ZLattice t-algebra 102/8 2 1 2024-09-15 13:13 (1 days ago)
#16743 agjftucker feat(Analysis/Calculus/Implicit): define HasStrictDerivAt.implicitFunOfBivariate new-contributor t-analysis 122/5 4 1 2024-09-15 17:55 (23 hours ago)
#16727 chrisflav feat(RingTheory): composition of presentations workshop-AIM-AG-2024 t-algebra t-algebraic-geometry 157/2 4 1 2024-09-15 18:58 (22 hours ago)
#16713 arulandu feat(Probability/Distributions): formalize Pareto distribution new-contributor t-measure-probability 150/0 2 29 2024-09-15 20:00 (21 hours ago)
#9602 AntoineChambert-Loir feat: lemmas on permutations, cycles, etc. t-algebra 373/6 6 84 2024-09-15 20:40 (20 hours ago)
#16829 urkud feat(MeasureTheory/Borel): add `nullMeasurable_Ixx` t-measure-probability easy 49/26 12 1 2024-09-15 20:47 (20 hours ago)
#15088 acmepjz feat: add `[s|i]sup_toXXX` for intermediate fields and subalgebras t-algebra 83/0 2 13 2024-09-15 20:56 (20 hours ago)
#15874 vihdzp chore(Order/InitialSeg): Improve proofs and comments t-order documentation 141/147 3 21 2024-09-15 23:10 (18 hours ago)
#16730 pechersky feat(Topology/UniformSpace): `Subtype.isComplete_iff` t-topology easy 15/0 1 4 2024-09-15 23:14 (18 hours ago)
#16832 urkud chore(VectorMeasure): drop `T2Space` assumption here and there t-measure-probability 42/53 3 1 2024-09-16 01:38 (15 hours ago)
#16833 urkud chore(VectorMeasure): move `ComplexMeasure` to `Complex` t-measure-probability easy 6/5 2 1 2024-09-16 01:41 (15 hours ago)
#16814 semorrison feat: Composition.blocksFun_le t-combinatorics 21/1 2 5 2024-09-16 01:52 (15 hours ago)
#16598 Parcly-Taxel feat: `Fintype (Finpartition s)` for `s : Finset α` t-combinatorics 9/0 1 12 2024-09-16 02:14 (15 hours ago)
#16835 Parcly-Taxel feat: `Finpartition.attachEquiv` t-combinatorics 89/0 2 1 2024-09-16 03:14 (14 hours ago)
#16520 euprunin chore(Mathlib/Logic): sort imports maintainer-merge 25/25 16 5 2024-09-16 04:44 (12 hours ago)
#16836 Parcly-Taxel chore: delete deprecated algebraic structure files tech debt easy 0/1890 7 3 2024-09-16 04:48 (12 hours ago)
#16593 hrmacbeth feat: `match_scalars` and `module` tactics t-meta 952/1 5 18 2024-09-16 04:49 (12 hours ago)
#16838 euprunin chore(Mathlib/SetTheory): sort imports 10/10 8 3 2024-09-16 05:13 (12 hours ago)
#16840 hrmacbeth feat: `ring`-based prover for certain inequalities in semirings t-meta 302/11 7 1 2024-09-16 05:14 (12 hours ago)
#14029 AntoineChambert-Loir feat(GroupTheory/GroupAction/Blocks): lemmas to handle blocks on finite sets t-algebra 148/10 2 37 2024-09-16 06:49 (10 hours ago)
#16722 ScottCarnahan feat (LinearAlgebra/RootSystem) : Construct root systems from bilinear forms on reflexive modules t-algebra 195/0 2 14 2024-09-16 08:27 (8 hours ago)
#16809 vihdzp doc(SetTheory/Game/PGame): expand docstrings for `≤` and `⧏` easy documentation 4/2 1 5 2024-09-16 08:34 (8 hours ago)
#16054 vihdzp chore(SetTheory/Game/Impartial): remove `Impartial` typeclass t-combinatorics RFC 152/149 2 2 2024-09-16 08:34 (8 hours ago)
#16845 madvorak chore(Archive/IMO/1962Q1): better hypothesis names IMO 56/62 1 1 2024-09-16 08:41 (8 hours ago)
#16846 madvorak chore(Archive/IMO/2024Q2): `apply (...).trans` instead of `suffices (...); exact` IMO easy 6/10 1 1 2024-09-16 09:12 (8 hours ago)
#16398 FR-vdash-bot refactor(SetTheory/ZFC/Basic): redefine `Definable` 168/74 1 6 2024-09-16 09:36 (7 hours ago)
#16078 vihdzp feat(Data/*/Sort): lemmas on sorted lists t-data 45/0 4 3 2024-09-16 09:49 (7 hours ago)
#16327 EtienneC30 feat: rewrite cylinders projective families of measures in terms of `Function.proj` t-measure-probability 245/32 6 2 2024-09-16 10:22 (7 hours ago)
#16848 vihdzp chore(NumberTheory/LucasPrimality): golf theorem t-number-theory 10/21 1 1 2024-09-16 10:28 (6 hours ago)
#16847 D-Thomine chore: remove unnecessary NeBot assumptions 88/64 8 1 2024-09-16 11:00 (6 hours ago)
#16834 Aaron1011 feat(NumberTheory): add converse of Lucas test for primes new-contributor t-number-theory 73/3 1 8 2024-09-16 11:00 (6 hours ago)
#16851 vihdzp chore(SetTheory/Cardinal/Basic): inline `mul_comm` into instance t-set-theory 18/22 1 1 2024-09-16 12:04 (5 hours ago)
#16631 mbkybky feat(RingTheory/DedekindDomain): `IsDedekindDomainDvr` implies `IsDedekindDomain` new-contributor t-algebra 35/2 1 2 2024-09-16 12:08 (5 hours ago)
#16853 chrisflav feat(RingTheory/StandardSmooth): base change of standard smooth algebras workshop-AIM-AG-2024 t-algebra t-algebraic-geometry 93/4 3 1 2024-09-16 12:38 (4 hours ago)
#15445 mariainesdff feat(Analysis.Normed.Ring.IsPowMulFaithful): prove eq_of_powMul_faithful t-analysis t-number-theory 356/0 6 15 2024-09-16 12:46 (4 hours ago)
#9417 Multramate feat(AlgebraicGeometry/EllipticCurve/Projective): implement group operation polynomials for projective coordinates t-algebraic-geometry t-number-theory 726/18 2 5 2024-09-16 13:12 (4 hours ago)
#16217 callesonne feat(Tactic/Algebraize): add algebraize tactic workshop-AIM-AG-2024 t-algebra t-meta 396/58 11 64 2024-09-16 13:19 (4 hours ago)
#16557 Jun2M feat(Sym2): Add pmap t-data 27/0 1 7 2024-09-16 13:33 (3 hours ago)
#16650 kbuzzard feat: Ore localization of a commutative algebra is an algebra. FLT t-algebra 245/13 5 7 2024-09-16 13:44 (3 hours ago)
#16821 b-mehta chore(Data/Finset/Image): simplify proof of filter_mem_image_eq_image t-data 4/11 2 4 2024-09-16 13:54 (3 hours ago)
#16826 mans0954 feat(Topology/Order): Sierpiński space classifies open sets of Scott topology t-order 41/0 3 3 2024-09-16 13:57 (3 hours ago)
#16849 mbkybky feat(NumberTheory/NumberField): Restricting maps to the ring of integers new-contributor t-number-theory 60/0 2 1 2024-09-16 13:57 (3 hours ago)
#16852 yuma-mizuno feat(CategoryTheory): proof producing coherence tactic t-category-theory t-meta 4939/1049 38 5 2024-09-16 14:22 (3 hours ago)
#16639 Julian feat(RingTheory/LaurentSeries): add notation t-algebra 47/38 1 4 2024-09-16 14:23 (3 hours ago)
#15878 Louddy feat(SkewMonoidAlgebra): add SkewMonoidAlgebra with irreducible def new-contributor t-algebra 166/0 2 18 2024-09-16 15:06 (2 hours ago)
#16855 jcommelin chore: adaptations for nightly-2024-09-16 30/42 16 1 2024-09-16 15:10 (2 hours ago)
#14503 jjaassoonn feat: definition of a simple ring t-algebra 126/0 5 21 2024-09-16 15:44 (1 hours ago)
#16857 siddhartha-gadgil Explicit dependency and update for LeanSearchClient ready-to-merge 4/3 2 1 2024-09-16 16:20 (1 hours ago)
#16804 awainverse feat(ModelTheory/Order): The theory of dense linear orders is countably categorical, and thus complete t-logic t-order ready-to-merge 41/9 3 2 2024-09-16 16:39 (46 minutes ago)
#16844 sgouezel feat: a continuous linear map into continuous multilinear maps is analytic t-analysis ready-to-merge 171/8 3 2 2024-09-16 16:48 (37 minutes ago)
#16843 sgouezel feat: more API for `AnalyticWithinAt` t-analysis ready-to-merge 364/88 8 1 2024-09-16 16:48 (37 minutes ago)
#16719 vihdzp feat(Order/SuccPred/Limit): induction principles for `IsSuccLimit` and `IsPredLimit` maintainer-merge t-order ready-to-merge 233/64 2 7 2024-09-16 16:52 (32 minutes ago)
#15820 vihdzp refactor(SetTheory/Ordinal/Arithmetic): Ditch `Ordinal.sup` maintainer-merge t-logic ready-to-merge 380/124 7 65 2024-09-16 16:54 (31 minutes ago)
#16088 vihdzp feat(SetTheory/Ordinal/Nimber): Initial development of nimbers maintainer-merge t-logic ready-to-merge 361/0 2 21 2024-09-16 16:55 (30 minutes ago)
#15716 vihdzp feat(SetTheory/Game/Birthday): Define birthday of a game maintainer-merge t-logic ready-to-merge 146/30 5 42 2024-09-16 16:55 (29 minutes ago)
#13810 niklasmohrin feat(Combinatorics/SimpleGraph): add `Fintype` instance for `Path` new-contributor t-combinatorics 53/0 1 29 2024-09-16 16:57 (28 minutes ago)
#15940 pechersky feat(Order/SuccPred/TypeTags): `SuccOrder (Multiplicative X)` and friends maintainer-merge t-order t-algebra ready-to-merge 51/0 2 3 2024-09-16 16:59 (26 minutes ago)
#16668 chrisflav feat(CategorTheory/Galois): stabilizers form a neighborhood basis of the identity t-topology t-category-theory ready-to-merge 122/7 4 4 2024-09-16 17:03 (22 minutes ago)
#15777 pechersky feat(Normed/Field): `completeSpace_iff_isComplete_closedBall` t-topology 175/0 5 13 2024-09-16 17:04 (21 minutes ago)
#15846 pechersky feat(GroupTheory/Archimedean): `LinearOrderedCommGroupWithZero.discrete_or_denselyOrdered` t-order t-algebra 37/0 2 4 2024-09-16 17:06 (19 minutes ago)
#16025 jcommelin refactor(LinearAlgebra/Eigenspace): unified definition of (max(gen)?)?Eigenspace t-algebra 521/157 5 1 2024-09-16 17:08 (16 minutes ago)

New contributors' PRs on the queue

Number Author Title Labels +/- 📝 💬 Updated
#15647 TpmKranz feat(Data/FinEnum): Option instance and Type recursor new-contributor t-logic 69/0 2 1 2024-08-14 10:04 (1 months ago)
#15212 victorliu5296 feat: Add fundamental theorem of calculus-2 for Banach spaces new-contributor t-measure-probability t-analysis 60/1 1 1 2024-08-18 16:14 (29 days ago)
#11090 pangelinos feat: define spectral spaces and prove that a quasi-compact open of a spectral space is spectral new-contributor t-topology please-adopt good first issue 69/0 1 15 2024-08-19 14:43 (28 days ago)
#15651 TpmKranz feat(Computability/NFA): operations for Thompson's construction t-computability new-contributor 307/5 1 6 2024-08-23 13:44 (24 days ago)
#15686 robertmaxton42 refactor (LinearAlgebra/FreeProduct): move PowerAlgebra construction to its own namespace, minor simp opts new-contributor 141/11 1 1 2024-08-26 04:11 (21 days ago)
#15522 PhoenixIra feat: monotonicity lemmas for OrdinalApprox new-contributor t-logic t-order 53/10 1 16 2024-09-02 09:20 (14 days ago)
#16065 marcusrossel feat: stability of `List.insertionSort` t-data new-contributor 87/0 1 15 2024-09-03 08:42 (13 days ago)
#16406 PhoenixIra doc: Improve documentation of ordinal-indexed approximations new-contributor t-logic 34/29 1 14 2024-09-03 12:14 (13 days ago)
#14237 js2357 feat: Define the localization of a fractional ideal at a prime ideal new-contributor t-algebra 230/0 3 19 2024-09-04 04:16 (12 days ago)
#13248 hcWang942 feat: basic concepts of auction theory new-contributor t-logic 204/0 3 123 2024-09-04 05:59 (12 days ago)
#16483 smmercuri feat: the completion of a number field at an infinite place new-contributor t-algebra t-number-theory 346/0 4 1 2024-09-05 10:17 (11 days ago)
#12982 callesonne feat(FiberCategory/Fibered): define fibered categories new-contributor t-category-theory 146/6 3 13 2024-09-10 03:16 (6 days ago)
#15711 znssong feat(Combinatorics/SimpleGraph): Some lemmas about walk, cycle and Hamiltonian cycle new-contributor t-combinatorics 407/3 4 20 2024-09-10 12:37 (6 days ago)
#16687 jouglasheen feat: a nonarchimedean group is totally disconnected new-contributor t-number-theory 189/0 3 1 2024-09-10 21:21 (5 days ago)
#16663 YnirPaz feat (Mathlib/SetTheory/Ordinal/Arithmetic): add bounded recursion on ordinals new-contributor t-logic 28/0 1 12 2024-09-10 22:16 (5 days ago)
#16710 YnirPaz feat(SetTheory/Ordinal/Topology): define Ordinal.IsClosed and Ordinal.IsAcc t-set-theory new-contributor 37/0 2 9 2024-09-12 08:32 (4 days ago)
#14269 Colin166 feat(NumberTheory/FactorisationProperties): abundant, pseudoperfect, deficient, and weird numbers new-contributor t-number-theory help-wanted 192/0 2 79 2024-09-12 17:23 (4 days ago)
#14033 pfaffelh feat(MeasureTheory): TendstoInMeasure gives ae unique limits; TendstoInMeasure equivalent to subsequences converging ae new-contributor t-measure-probability 208/8 5 77 2024-09-12 20:51 (3 days ago)
#15809 archiebrowne feat(RingTheory/MvPolynomial/Ideal): introduce new lemmas about MvPolynomial Ideals new-contributor t-algebra 38/0 1 4 2024-09-13 06:45 (3 days ago)
#16711 JasonKYi feat(HolderNorm): Define the Hölder norm new-contributor t-analysis 229/0 2 12 2024-09-13 07:28 (3 days ago)
#11968 JovanGerb feat: RefinedDiscrTree new-contributor t-meta 2027/1366 16 24 2024-09-13 08:02 (3 days ago)
#15009 madeve-unipi feat(Analysis/Complex/Hadamard): generalize Hadamard's three lines theorem new-contributor t-analysis 249/17 1 24 2024-09-13 08:33 (3 days ago)
#14442 amosturchet feat(NumberTheory/Ostrowski): First step of the proof of the Archimedean case of Ostrowski's Theorem new-contributor t-number-theory 167/16 2 32 2024-09-13 12:14 (3 days ago)
#16758 jjdishere feat(Topology/Algebra/Valued/NormedValued): add lemmas for `Valued.toNormedField` new-contributor t-algebra 67/0 1 1 2024-09-13 15:08 (3 days ago)
#16190 AlexBrodbelt feat(Archive/Imo): formalize IMO 1982q3 IMO new-contributor 366/0 2 7 2024-09-13 15:35 (3 days ago)
#13152 hannahfechtner feat: presented monoids new-contributor t-algebra 403/11 7 23 2024-09-13 16:30 (3 days ago)
#16771 jjdishere feat(FieldTheory): define relative algebraic closure new-contributor t-algebra 208/0 4 2 2024-09-13 20:37 (2 days ago)
#13710 mckoen feat(CategoryTheory): `MonoidalClosed` instance on functors to `Type` new-contributor t-category-theory 76/0 2 18 2024-09-13 21:30 (2 days ago)
#15645 haitian-yuki feat: Multiset lemmas t-data maintainer-merge new-contributor 18/0 1 21 2024-09-14 10:11 (2 days ago)
#16802 bjoernkjoshanssen feat: add First Derivative Test from calculus new-contributor 261/0 3 1 2024-09-14 20:13 (1 days ago)
#16817 Thmoas-Guan feat(Topology/Group): More on special subgroups new-contributor t-algebra t-topology 237/0 4 2 2024-09-15 10:44 (1 days ago)
#16743 agjftucker feat(Analysis/Calculus/Implicit): define HasStrictDerivAt.implicitFunOfBivariate new-contributor t-analysis 122/5 4 1 2024-09-15 17:55 (23 hours ago)
#16713 arulandu feat(Probability/Distributions): formalize Pareto distribution new-contributor t-measure-probability 150/0 2 29 2024-09-15 20:00 (21 hours ago)
#16834 Aaron1011 feat(NumberTheory): add converse of Lucas test for primes new-contributor t-number-theory 73/3 1 8 2024-09-16 11:00 (6 hours ago)
#16631 mbkybky feat(RingTheory/DedekindDomain): `IsDedekindDomainDvr` implies `IsDedekindDomain` new-contributor t-algebra 35/2 1 2 2024-09-16 12:08 (5 hours ago)
#16849 mbkybky feat(NumberTheory/NumberField): Restricting maps to the ring of integers new-contributor t-number-theory 60/0 2 1 2024-09-16 13:57 (3 hours ago)
#15878 Louddy feat(SkewMonoidAlgebra): add SkewMonoidAlgebra with irreducible def new-contributor t-algebra 166/0 2 18 2024-09-16 15:06 (2 hours ago)
#13810 niklasmohrin feat(Combinatorics/SimpleGraph): add `Fintype` instance for `Path` new-contributor t-combinatorics 53/0 1 29 2024-09-16 16:57 (28 minutes ago)

PRs on the review queue labelled 'easy'

Number Author Title Labels +/- 📝 💬 Updated
#16786 urkud feat(List): add `exists_mem_iff_getElem` t-data easy 9/0 1 1 2024-09-14 06:13 (2 days ago)
#16291 urkud feat(LocallyCompact): generalize `*Embedding.locallyCompactSpace` t-topology easy 32/23 3 1 2024-09-15 03:21 (1 days ago)
#16829 urkud feat(MeasureTheory/Borel): add `nullMeasurable_Ixx` t-measure-probability easy 49/26 12 1 2024-09-15 20:47 (20 hours ago)
#16730 pechersky feat(Topology/UniformSpace): `Subtype.isComplete_iff` t-topology easy 15/0 1 4 2024-09-15 23:14 (18 hours ago)
#16833 urkud chore(VectorMeasure): move `ComplexMeasure` to `Complex` t-measure-probability easy 6/5 2 1 2024-09-16 01:41 (15 hours ago)
#16836 Parcly-Taxel chore: delete deprecated algebraic structure files tech debt easy 0/1890 7 3 2024-09-16 04:48 (12 hours ago)
#16809 vihdzp doc(SetTheory/Game/PGame): expand docstrings for `≤` and `⧏` easy documentation 4/2 1 5 2024-09-16 08:34 (8 hours ago)
#16846 madvorak chore(Archive/IMO/2024Q2): `apply (...).trans` instead of `suffices (...); exact` IMO easy 6/10 1 1 2024-09-16 09:12 (8 hours ago)

Stale ready-to-merge'd PRs

There are currently no stale PRs labelled auto-merge-after-CI or ready-to-merge. Congratulations!

Stale delegated PRs

Number Author Title Labels +/- 📝 💬 Updated
#11500 mcdoll refactor(Topology/Algebra/Module/WeakDual): Clean up t-topology merge-conflict delegated 227/179 15 14 2024-07-31 08:14 (1 months ago)
#9105 LukasMias feat(Algebra/Algebra/Prod): add prodUnique and uniqueProd for LinearEquiv and AlgebraEquiv t-algebra merge-conflict delegated 64/4 4 8 2024-07-31 08:14 (1 months ago)
#12994 ADedecker chore: reorganize and rename the Embedding --> Homeomorph constructions t-topology merge-conflict delegated 96/100 13 3 2024-08-18 20:19 (28 days ago)
#15322 james18lpc feat: `setLintegral` for indicator function and `le_meas` new-contributor t-measure-probability delegated 15/0 1 6 2024-08-19 04:36 (28 days ago)
#15333 erdOne feat(AlgebraicGeometry): Residue fields of schemes. t-algebraic-geometry delegated 181/0 2 3 2024-08-22 15:56 (25 days ago)
#15141 erdOne feat(RingTheory/Unramified): Formally unramified product of rings t-algebra merge-conflict delegated 139/15 4 3 2024-08-26 12:32 (21 days ago)
#15082 erdOne refactor(AlgebraicGeometry): Introduce `Scheme.toSpecΓ` t-algebraic-geometry delegated 51/45 3 16 2024-08-30 13:05 (17 days ago)
#14313 grhkm21 feat(RepresentationTheory/FdRep): FdRep is a full subcategory of Rep new-contributor t-category-theory merge-conflict delegated 44/5 1 18 2024-09-01 14:58 (15 days ago)
#8479 alexjbest feat: use leaff in CI CI merge-conflict delegated WIP 340/0 4 10 2024-09-03 14:27 (13 days ago)
#14712 FR-vdash-bot perf: change instance priority and order about `OfNat` slow-typeclass-synthesis t-algebra delegated 49/20 9 23 2024-09-03 19:03 (12 days ago)
#15026 grunweg fix: recognise awaiting-review comments again CI merge-conflict delegated 4/3 1 5 2024-09-05 04:57 (11 days ago)
#13962 pechersky feat(Fin): lt_sub_iff, rev_{add,sub} t-data maintainer-merge delegated 42/0 1 19 2024-09-05 06:25 (11 days ago)
#16541 CBirkbeck feat(Analysis/Calculus/LogDeriv): add division lemma t-analysis delegated 7/1 1 4 2024-09-09 08:22 (7 days ago)
#13548 eric-wieser feat: add a FloorSemiring instance to NNRat t-order t-algebra delegated 159/3 5 14 2024-09-09 08:31 (7 days ago)
#15123 erdOne feat(RingTheory/Unramified): Classification of unramifield field extensions. t-algebra awaiting-CI delegated 220/0 3 12 2024-09-09 08:32 (7 days ago)
#15944 pechersky feat(Order/SuccPred): `BddAbove.exists_isGreatest_of_nonempty` t-order delegated awaiting-author 33/0 1 14 2024-09-09 14:42 (7 days ago)
#15398 CBirkbeck feat(Topology/UniformSpace/UniformConvergence): add lemma maintainer-merge t-topology delegated 45/0 2 22 2024-09-11 15:22 (5 days ago)
#16509 mattrobball chore(Algebra.Lie): do not always coerce a `LieSubmodule` to a `Submodule` to get a type merge-conflict delegated 97/150 18 11 2024-09-12 11:34 (4 days ago)
#16764 jjdishere feat(RingTheory/Valuation): add one lemma `isEquiv_iff_val_lt_val` maintainer-merge new-contributor t-algebra easy delegated awaiting-author 6/0 1 7 2024-09-15 03:49 (1 days ago)

Stale maintainer-merge'd PRs

Number Author Title Labels +/- 📝 💬 Updated
#13962 pechersky feat(Fin): lt_sub_iff, rev_{add,sub} t-data maintainer-merge delegated 42/0 1 19 2024-09-05 06:25 (11 days ago)
#16514 euprunin chore(Mathlib/Util): sort imports alphabetically maintainer-merge 29/29 21 5 2024-09-10 18:53 (5 days ago)
#15398 CBirkbeck feat(Topology/UniformSpace/UniformConvergence): add lemma maintainer-merge t-topology delegated 45/0 2 22 2024-09-11 15:22 (5 days ago)
#15645 haitian-yuki feat: Multiset lemmas t-data maintainer-merge new-contributor 18/0 1 21 2024-09-14 10:11 (2 days ago)
#16764 jjdishere feat(RingTheory/Valuation): add one lemma `isEquiv_iff_val_lt_val` maintainer-merge new-contributor t-algebra easy delegated awaiting-author 6/0 1 7 2024-09-15 03:49 (1 days ago)

PRs blocked on a zulip discussion

Number Author Title Labels +/- 📝 💬 Updated
#12331 mo271 chore: replace `refine ?_` and `refine' _` by `apply` awaiting-zulip merge-conflict 200/200 136 1 2024-07-31 08:13 (1 months ago)
#13484 PatrickMassot chore: remove files about core programming types awaiting-zulip merge-conflict 0/485 5 2 2024-08-27 10:11 (20 days ago)
#16526 Parcly-Taxel chore: `Or 2` automated replacement of `cases'` awaiting-zulip tech debt merge-conflict 433/436 256 2 2024-09-09 10:14 (7 days ago)
#16772 euprunin feat: add unsorted imports linter awaiting-zulip t-linter 1843/1 2 4 2024-09-14 20:12 (1 days ago)
#11800 JADekker feat : Define KappaLindelöf spaces awaiting-zulip t-topology merge-conflict please-adopt 301/2 3 38 2024-09-16 04:51 (12 hours ago)

PRs with just a merge conflict

Number Author Title Labels +/- 📝 💬 Updated
#13483 adomani feat: automatically replace deprecations t-meta merge-conflict 302/0 6 7 2024-07-31 08:13 (1 months ago)
#12936 mattrobball chore(Quiver.Opposite): make `Quiver.Hom.op/unop` `abbrev`'s merge-conflict 39/34 10 9 2024-07-31 08:13 (1 months ago)
#12778 MichaelStollBayreuth perf: decouple algebraic and order hierarchies in type class search slow-typeclass-synthesis t-order t-algebra merge-conflict 284/33 132 17 2024-07-31 08:13 (1 months ago)
#11837 trivial1711 feat: completion of a uniform multiplicative group t-algebra t-topology merge-conflict 333/220 8 10 2024-07-31 08:13 (1 months ago)
#9820 jjaassoonn feat(RingTheory/GradedAlgebra/HomogeneousIdeal): generalize to homogeneous submodule t-algebra merge-conflict 559/262 3 1 2024-07-31 08:14 (1 months ago)
#10075 dupuisf refactor: generalize `MonoidHom.ker` and `MonoidHom.range` to `MonoidHomClass` t-algebra merge-conflict 464/389 51 0 2024-07-31 08:14 (1 months ago)
#10721 urkud feat(Order/FunLike): define `PointwiseLE` t-logic t-order merge-conflict 123/50 13 48 2024-07-31 08:14 (1 months ago)
#10668 FLDutchmann feat: Define `Nat.finMulAntidiagonal`, the `Finset` of tuples of naturals with a fixed product. t-combinatorics t-number-theory merge-conflict 326/1 5 7 2024-07-31 08:14 (1 months ago)
#9339 FMLJohn feat (RingTheory/GradedAlgebra/HomogeneousIdeal): given a finitely generated homogeneous ideal of a graded semiring, construct a finite spanning set for the ideal which only contains homogeneous elements t-algebra merge-conflict 402/4 8 11 2024-07-31 08:14 (1 months ago)
#9467 eric-wieser refactor(Analysis/Calculus/FormalMultilinearSeries): generalize to additive monoids t-analysis merge-conflict 35/22 2 2 2024-07-31 08:14 (1 months ago)
#8788 FMLJohn feat(Algebra/Module/GradeZeroModule): if `A` is a graded semiring and `M` is a graded `A`-module, then each grade of `M` is a module over the 0-th grade of `A`. t-algebra merge-conflict 237/4 6 4 2024-07-31 08:14 (1 months ago)
#6777 adomani chore(Co*variantClass): replace eta-expanded (· * ·), (· + ·), (· ≤ ·), (· < ·) merge-conflict 703/678 81 36 2024-07-31 08:14 (1 months ago)
#8029 alreadydone refactor: Homotopy between Functions not ContinuousMaps t-topology RFC merge-conflict 246/250 8 1 2024-07-31 08:14 (1 months ago)
#7875 FR-vdash-bot chore: make `SMulCommClass A A B` and `SMulCommClass A B B` higher priority slow-typeclass-synthesis t-algebra merge-conflict 54/48 27 15 2024-07-31 08:14 (1 months ago)
#6993 jjaassoonn feat : lemmas about `AddMonoidAlgebra.{divOf, modOf}` t-algebra merge-conflict 147/3 5 42 2024-07-31 08:14 (1 months ago)
#14247 jjaassoonn feat (AlgebraicGeometry/Modules): stalks of the sheaf `M^~` workshop-AIM-AG-2024 t-algebraic-geometry merge-conflict 371/1 3 5 2024-08-06 06:29 (1 months ago)
#15483 FR-vdash-bot chore(GroupTheory/Coset): reduce defeq abuse t-algebra merge-conflict 114/60 6 13 2024-08-10 11:05 (1 months ago)
#15135 erdOne refactor(RingTheory/Unramified): Switch official definition to allow general universes. t-algebra merge-conflict 92/107 5 1 2024-08-12 19:57 (1 months ago)
#14898 grunweg feat: extend the linter against broad imports t-linter merge-conflict 204/110 10 2 2024-08-13 21:57 (1 months ago)
#9082 Timeroot feat: `List.destutter` on cotransitive relations. t-data merge-conflict 231/1 3 46 2024-08-14 10:01 (1 months ago)
#9145 linesthatinterlace feat(Data/Fin/Basic): Refactor succAbove and predAbove. t-data merge-conflict 1293/555 16 62 2024-08-14 10:01 (1 months ago)
#10629 madvorak feat: List.cons_sublist_append_iff_right t-data merge-conflict 11/0 1 1 2024-08-14 10:01 (1 months ago)
#15314 erdOne refactor(Topology/Sheaves): Unbundle `germ`. t-algebraic-geometry t-topology merge-conflict 435/489 24 17 2024-08-17 10:57 (30 days ago)
#11632 mattrobball chore(Group/RingTheory.Congruence): make `Quotient`'s reducible merge-conflict 16/35 2 14 2024-08-18 20:17 (28 days ago)
#13791 digama0 refactor: Primrec and Partrec tech debt t-computability merge-conflict 585/778 5 2 2024-08-18 20:20 (28 days ago)
#13519 FR-vdash-bot refactor: make `CanonicallyOrdered...` mixin t-order t-algebra merge-conflict 660/667 82 9 2024-08-18 20:21 (28 days ago)
#14023 mattrobball perf (RingTheory.OreLocalization): make data irreducible merge-conflict 43/32 3 4 2024-08-18 20:21 (28 days ago)
#11964 adamtopaz feat: The functor of points of a scheme t-algebraic-geometry t-category-theory merge-conflict 210/0 3 4 2024-08-18 20:23 (28 days ago)
#12418 rosborn style: replace preimage_val with ↓∩ notation merge-conflict 56/61 18 3 2024-08-18 20:24 (28 days ago)
#9598 AlexKontorovich feat(Analysis/Complex): HasPrimitives on disc t-analysis merge-conflict 559/7 6 40 2024-08-18 20:27 (28 days ago)
#8807 Ruben-VandeVelde feat: add smul_prod lemmas t-algebra merge-conflict 40/8 5 9 2024-08-18 20:30 (28 days ago)
#15131 erdOne feat(RingTheory/Smooth): Smoothness of product rings. t-algebra merge-conflict 137/0 4 2 2024-08-18 20:33 (28 days ago)
#12751 Command-Master feat: add lemmas for Nat/Bits, Nat/Bitwise and Nat/Size t-data new-contributor merge-conflict 66/7 4 26 2024-08-19 14:32 (28 days ago)
#13774 grunweg chore: make expensive definitions noncomputable RFC merge-conflict 152/135 31 15 2024-08-23 16:30 (24 days ago)
#11212 shuxuezhuyi feat(GroupTheory/GroupAction): instance `MulAction (β ⧸ H) α` t-algebra merge-conflict 51/5 2 4 2024-08-27 10:06 (20 days ago)
#12733 Jun2M feat: strengthen bound in `isPrimePow_nat_iff_bounded` t-algebra merge-conflict 17/4 2 7 2024-08-27 10:08 (20 days ago)
#12610 Komyyy perf: improves the performance of the `Repr (Equiv.Perm α)` instance t-algebra merge-conflict 137/112 3 20 2024-08-27 10:08 (20 days ago)
#13241 Komyyy style(Mathlib/Data/Seq/Seq): rename `Stream'.Seq` to `Sequence` merge-conflict 620/603 17 7 2024-08-27 10:11 (20 days ago)
#13590 Komyyy refactor(Mathlib/Algebra/ContinuedFractions/*): change the definition of regular continuous fractions t-algebra merge-conflict 199/152 6 3 2024-08-30 12:32 (17 days ago)
#16067 dagurtomas feat(CategoryTheory/Closed): functors into a complete closed monoidal category form a closed monoidal category t-category-theory merge-conflict 344/27 6 2 2024-09-03 10:53 (13 days ago)
#13154 FR-vdash-bot feat: use aliases for `CovariantClass α α (· * ·) (· ≤ ·)` etc t-order t-algebra merge-conflict 835/841 99 6 2024-09-04 05:35 (12 days ago)
#16408 Parcly-Taxel chore: remove TODO relating to #13092 tech debt merge-conflict 24/35 19 1 2024-09-04 19:05 (11 days ago)
#16152 bjoernkjoshanssen feat: equivalence between one-point compactification and projective line new-contributor t-topology merge-conflict 84896/46020 3542 5 2024-09-09 22:43 (6 days ago)
#16510 grunweg chore: move style linters to `Linter/Style` t-linter merge-conflict 626/607 4 1 2024-09-10 09:26 (6 days ago)
#15192 FR-vdash-bot feat: add some basic term elaborators t-meta merge-conflict 107/15 7 1 2024-09-10 11:09 (6 days ago)
#15114 mattrobball chore (PrimeSpectrum): `RingHom.primeComap` and API merge-conflict 125/53 2 2 2024-09-10 13:43 (6 days ago)
#5576 FR-vdash-bot feat: quotient lift on a finite family t-data merge-conflict 225/67 2 4 2024-09-10 18:39 (5 days ago)
#15571 FR-vdash-bot chore: redefine `Nat.bitCasesOn` `Nat.binaryRec` t-data merge-conflict 74/65 3 4 2024-09-10 19:09 (5 days ago)
#16683 JLimperg fix: ignore Aesop tactic/commands in unused tactics linter merge-conflict 24/1 3 1 2024-09-10 21:24 (5 days ago)
#5901 FR-vdash-bot feat: define `PGame.identical` `PGame.memₗ` `PGame.memᵣ` t-combinatorics merge-conflict 454/26 3 47 2024-09-11 02:30 (5 days ago)
#16651 semorrison feat: `fin_omega`, a wrapper around `omega` to help with `Fin` arithmetic goals. t-meta merge-conflict 87/19 4 2 2024-09-12 07:36 (4 days ago)
#16334 grunweg feat: rewrite the trailing whitespace linter in Lean t-linter merge-conflict 17/16 2 17 2024-09-12 12:34 (4 days ago)
#14206 alreadydone feat(Algebra): integralClosure as IntermediateField workshop-AIM-AG-2024 t-algebra t-algebraic-geometry merge-conflict 141/91 7 23 2024-09-13 20:29 (2 days ago)
#12082 digama0 feat: `LawfulOrd` and `LinearOrder` blocked-by-batt-PR t-order merge-conflict 111/51 8 1 2024-09-13 21:22 (2 days ago)
#14404 jjdishere feat(FieldTheory/Separable): Add lemmas of elementwise `IsSeparable` new-contributor t-algebra merge-conflict 138/54 4 37 2024-09-15 10:02 (1 days ago)
#14798 riccardobrasca feat: add `RingTheory.Trace.Quotient`: relations between trace maps and quotients t-algebra merge-conflict 375/2 6 25 2024-09-16 12:14 (5 hours ago)
#16419 euprunin feat: "prove" import order independence (and document existing order dependencies) by linting unsorted imports t-linter t-meta merge-conflict 2468/2338 1714 68 2024-09-16 13:31 (3 hours ago)
#15996 grunweg chore: use "bash strict mode" in all shell scripts RFC CI merge-conflict 74/59 7 1 2024-09-16 14:42 (2 hours ago)
#13609 101damnations feat: Hopf algebra structure on monoid algebras t-category-theory merge-conflict 311/5 3 21 2024-09-16 15:35 (1 hours ago)
#16633 mo271 chore(Mathlib/Algebra): minimize imports t-algebra merge-conflict 157/536 329 35 2024-09-16 15:49 (1 hours ago)

Stale new contributor PRs

Number Author Title Labels +/- 📝 💬 Updated
#14619 Command-Master chore: Merge `Trunc` to `Squash` new-contributor merge-conflict WIP 197/211 13 1 2024-07-31 08:13 (1 months ago)
#14598 Command-Master chore: add typeclasses to unify various `add_top`, `add_eq_top`, etc. new-contributor t-order t-algebra merge-conflict awaiting-author 263/178 50 20 2024-07-31 08:13 (1 months ago)
#13570 JovanGerb Lean pr testing 4379 new-contributor merge-conflict 408/308 108 2 2024-07-31 08:13 (1 months ago)
#13724 Command-Master feat: SubtractionMonoid instance for LinearOrderedAddCommGroupWithTop new-contributor t-order t-algebra merge-conflict blocked-by-other-PR 340/178 52 32 2024-07-31 08:13 (1 months ago)
#13001 JovanGerb Lean pr testing 4206 new-contributor merge-conflict 285/134 60 2 2024-07-31 08:13 (1 months ago)
#12290 yoh-tanimoto feat(MeasureTheory/Integral/linearRieszMarkovKakutani) prove that the Riesz content is indeed a content new-contributor t-measure-probability RFC merge-conflict blocked-by-other-PR WIP 388/45 1 32 2024-07-31 08:13 (1 months ago)
#11021 jstoobysmith feat(AlgebraicTopology) : add join of augmented SSets new-contributor t-category-theory merge-conflict WIP 2137/1 6 47 2024-07-31 08:14 (1 months ago)
#10190 jstoobysmith feat(AlgebraicTopology): add Augmented Simplex Category new-contributor t-algebra t-topology t-category-theory WIP 720/0 4 5 2024-07-31 08:14 (1 months ago)
#10006 jstoobysmith feat(AlgebraicTopology): homotopy in quasicategories new-contributor t-category-theory awaiting-author blocked-by-other-PR 898/1 4 3 2024-07-31 08:14 (1 months ago)
#8013 robin-carlier feat(CategoryTheory/Limits/Shapes/Reflexive): the walking reflexive pair new-contributor t-category-theory please-adopt awaiting-author 384/4 1 22 2024-07-31 08:14 (1 months ago)
#15224 AnthonyBordg feat(CategoryTheory/Sites): covering families and their associated Grothendieck topology new-contributor t-category-theory awaiting-author 112/0 2 20 2024-08-05 15:10 (1 months ago)
#8102 miguelmarco feat (Tactic): add unify_denoms and collect_signs tactics new-contributor t-meta merge-conflict enhancement 431/1 8 8 2024-08-14 09:57 (1 months ago)
#15647 TpmKranz feat(Data/FinEnum): Option instance and Type recursor new-contributor t-logic 69/0 2 1 2024-08-14 10:04 (1 months ago)
#15649 TpmKranz feat(Computability): introduce Generalised NFA as bridge to Regular Expression t-computability new-contributor blocked-by-other-PR 365/0 6 2 2024-08-14 10:04 (1 months ago)
#15654 TpmKranz feat(Computability): language-preserving maps between NFA and RE t-computability new-contributor blocked-by-other-PR 985/2 7 2 2024-08-14 10:04 (1 months ago)
#14563 awueth feat: if-then-else of exclusive or statement new-contributor t-algebra awaiting-author 5/0 1 3 2024-08-15 10:20 (1 months ago)
#14782 erdOne feat: Valuative criterion for properness. new-contributor t-algebraic-geometry WIP 1688/0 11 4 2024-08-15 10:54 (1 months ago)
#14603 awueth feat: degree is invariant under graph isomorphism new-contributor t-combinatorics awaiting-author 14/0 1 8 2024-08-15 10:55 (1 months ago)
#15127 goens feat(Quot): add simple lemmas on function congruence t-data new-contributor awaiting-author 10/0 1 3 2024-08-15 10:57 (1 months ago)
#12750 Command-Master feat: define Gray code t-data new-contributor awaiting-author blocked-by-other-PR 226/0 5 5 2024-08-15 10:59 (1 months ago)
#15212 victorliu5296 feat: Add fundamental theorem of calculus-2 for Banach spaces new-contributor t-measure-probability t-analysis 60/1 1 1 2024-08-18 16:14 (29 days ago)
#14498 hwatheod feat(SetTheory/Surreal/Division): define the field structure on the Surreal numbers new-contributor t-logic awaiting-author 711/6 5 47 2024-08-19 03:48 (28 days ago)
#15322 james18lpc feat: `setLintegral` for indicator function and `le_meas` new-contributor t-measure-probability delegated 15/0 1 6 2024-08-19 04:36 (28 days ago)
#12751 Command-Master feat: add lemmas for Nat/Bits, Nat/Bitwise and Nat/Size t-data new-contributor merge-conflict 66/7 4 26 2024-08-19 14:32 (28 days ago)
#12799 jstoobysmith feat(LinearAlgebra/UnitaryGroup): Add properties of Special Unitary Group new-contributor t-algebra awaiting-author 78/0 1 7 2024-08-19 14:33 (28 days ago)
#9935 jstoobysmith feat(AlgebraicTopology): add constructors for horns new-contributor t-algebra t-topology merge-conflict awaiting-author 462/2 1 15 2024-08-19 14:35 (28 days ago)
#11207 luigi-massacci feat(Topology/MetricSpace): Add new file with type of Katetov maps new-contributor t-topology WIP 138/0 3 16 2024-08-19 14:41 (28 days ago)
#11090 pangelinos feat: define spectral spaces and prove that a quasi-compact open of a spectral space is spectral new-contributor t-topology please-adopt good first issue 69/0 1 15 2024-08-19 14:43 (28 days ago)
#14161 chrisflav feat(RingTheory/StandardSmooth): tentative definition of standard smooth workshop-AIM-AG-2024 new-contributor t-algebraic-geometry merge-conflict awaiting-author WIP 1832/4 8 87 2024-08-19 15:10 (28 days ago)
#14799 luigi-massacci feat(Analysis/MeanInequalities): Weighted QM-AM inequality new-contributor t-analysis easy awaiting-author 26/3 1 3 2024-08-19 21:16 (27 days ago)
#14416 grhkm21 refactor(CharP): make variables explicit + refactor new-contributor awaiting-author 39/39 4 14 2024-08-20 14:12 (27 days ago)
#14242 js2357 feat: Prove equivalence of `isDedekindDomain` and `isDedekindDomainDvr` new-contributor t-algebra blocked-by-other-PR 269/1 4 2 2024-08-21 20:21 (25 days ago)
#15651 TpmKranz feat(Computability/NFA): operations for Thompson's construction t-computability new-contributor 307/5 1 6 2024-08-23 13:44 (24 days ago)
#14411 haitian-yuki feat(Data/Multiset/Order): add Dershowitz-Manna Ordering and Theorem t-data new-contributor awaiting-author blocked-by-other-PR 477/0 2 33 2024-08-26 03:47 (21 days ago)
#15686 robertmaxton42 refactor (LinearAlgebra/FreeProduct): move PowerAlgebra construction to its own namespace, minor simp opts new-contributor 141/11 1 1 2024-08-26 04:11 (21 days ago)
#13442 dignissimus feat: mabel tactic for multiplicative abelian groups new-contributor t-meta modifies-tactic-syntax awaiting-author 226/0 4 6 2024-08-26 09:57 (21 days ago)
#16116 jjdishere feat(Field): add theorems in Stacks Project Chapter 09FA Fields new-contributor t-algebra blocked-by-other-PR WIP 6/2 2 4 2024-08-27 12:42 (20 days ago)
#16105 jjdishere doc(Field): add Stacks Project tags in Chapter 09FA Fields new-contributor t-algebra WIP documentation 37/7 4 2 2024-08-27 12:44 (20 days ago)
#14368 FMLJohn feat: morphisms from the spectrum of a field to a locally ringed space new-contributor t-algebra t-algebraic-geometry WIP 405/0 3 1 2024-08-28 18:57 (18 days ago)
#15706 seewoo5 feat: Mason-Stothers theorem (polynomial ABC) new-contributor t-number-theory merge-conflict blocked-by-other-PR 413/0 3 3 2024-08-31 20:03 (15 days ago)
#14669 Command-Master feat(Data/Nat/PartENat): add lemmas for PartENat t-data new-contributor awaiting-author 90/0 1 3 2024-09-01 11:14 (15 days ago)
#14313 grhkm21 feat(RepresentationTheory/FdRep): FdRep is a full subcategory of Rep new-contributor t-category-theory merge-conflict delegated 44/5 1 18 2024-09-01 14:58 (15 days ago)
#15121 Eloitor feat: iff theorems for IsSplitEpi and IsSplitMono in opposite category new-contributor t-category-theory awaiting-author 40/0 1 3 2024-09-01 21:31 (14 days ago)
#15522 PhoenixIra feat: monotonicity lemmas for OrdinalApprox new-contributor t-logic t-order 53/10 1 16 2024-09-02 09:20 (14 days ago)
#16065 marcusrossel feat: stability of `List.insertionSort` t-data new-contributor 87/0 1 15 2024-09-03 08:42 (13 days ago)
#16406 PhoenixIra doc: Improve documentation of ordinal-indexed approximations new-contributor t-logic 34/29 1 14 2024-09-03 12:14 (13 days ago)
#13191 JovanGerb Lean pr testing 4272 new-contributor merge-conflict 282/192 64 19 2024-09-03 23:44 (12 days ago)
#13079 JovanGerb Lean pr testing 4152 new-contributor merge-conflict 814/892 119 4 2024-09-03 23:44 (12 days ago)
#14237 js2357 feat: Define the localization of a fractional ideal at a prime ideal new-contributor t-algebra 230/0 3 19 2024-09-04 04:16 (12 days ago)
#13248 hcWang942 feat: basic concepts of auction theory new-contributor t-logic 204/0 3 123 2024-09-04 05:59 (12 days ago)
#9605 davikrehalt feat(Data/Finset & List): Add Lemmas for Sorting and Filtering t-data new-contributor please-adopt awaiting-author 71/0 4 28 2024-09-04 07:22 (12 days ago)
#13577 smmercuri feat: the infinite adele ring of a number field new-contributor t-algebra t-number-theory merge-conflict blocked-by-other-PR 632/0 7 67 2024-09-04 16:23 (12 days ago)
#16485 smmercuri feat: the adele ring of a number field new-contributor t-algebra t-number-theory blocked-by-other-PR WIP 522/0 5 2 2024-09-04 18:24 (11 days ago)
#16483 smmercuri feat: the completion of a number field at an infinite place new-contributor t-algebra t-number-theory 346/0 4 1 2024-09-05 10:17 (11 days ago)
#14134 FMLJohn feat(RingTheory/Ideal/KrullDimension): define the Krull dimension of a ring workshop-AIM-AG-2024 new-contributor t-algebra t-algebraic-geometry merge-conflict awaiting-author 198/8 7 89 2024-09-05 10:38 (11 days ago)
#16094 FM22 feat(Algebra/Ring): generalise and extend material about sums of squares and semireal rings new-contributor t-order t-algebra awaiting-author 174/81 8 52 2024-09-05 20:49 (10 days ago)
#16539 Paul-Lez feat(Order/Bounds/Basic): Add basic order lemmas new-contributor t-order 546/482 4 7 2024-09-09 09:03 (7 days ago)

PRs looking for help

Number Author Title Labels +/- 📝 💬 Updated
#12934 grunweg chore: replace more uses of > or ≥ by < or ≤ merge-conflict awaiting-author help-wanted 41/42 15 11 2024-07-31 08:13 (1 months ago)
#10303 grunweg feat: three misc lemmas about Hausdorff distance t-topology merge-conflict awaiting-author help-wanted 54/14 4 10 2024-07-31 08:14 (1 months ago)
#9642 eric-wieser refactor(Analysis/Normed/{Group/Field}/Basic): Let `extends` generate the repeated fields t-analysis merge-conflict awaiting-author WIP help-wanted 122/202 17 11 2024-07-31 08:14 (1 months ago)
#6931 urkud refactor(Analysis/Normed*): use `RingHomIsometric` for `*.norm_cast` t-analysis merge-conflict help-wanted 78/68 8 0 2024-07-31 08:14 (1 months ago)
#6859 MohanadAhmed TryLean4Bundle: Windows Bundle Creator CI WIP help-wanted 114/0 2 0 2024-07-31 08:14 (1 months ago)
#6791 eric-wieser refactor: Use flat structures for morphisms awaiting-CI merge-conflict awaiting-author help-wanted 174/201 32 0 2024-07-31 08:14 (1 months ago)
#7300 ah1112 feat: synthetic geometry t-euclidean-geometry awaiting-author help-wanted 2657/0 4 71 2024-07-31 08:14 (1 months ago)
#5934 eric-wieser feat: port Data.Rat.MetaDefs t-meta merge-conflict mathlib-port help-wanted 183/0 3 4 2024-07-31 08:14 (1 months ago)
#5863 eric-wieser feat: add elaborators for concrete matrices t-meta merge-conflict help-wanted 299/1 5 4 2024-07-31 08:14 (1 months ago)
#7903 urkud feat: define `UnboundedSpace` t-topology merge-conflict help-wanted 111/59 6 1 2024-08-07 11:34 (1 months ago)
#9444 erdOne feat: Various instances regarding `𝓞 K`. t-number-theory merge-conflict help-wanted 27/0 2 9 2024-08-15 11:04 (1 months ago)
#9040 BoltonBailey feat: `to_snoc` an attribute for generating lemmas with snoc in them t-meta please-adopt WIP help-wanted 1292/0 1 0 2024-08-15 11:08 (1 months ago)
#5919 MithicSpirit feat: implement orthogonality for AffineSubspace t-analysis WIP help-wanted 330/0 2 4 2024-08-15 11:13 (1 months ago)
#14739 urkud feat(Measure): add `gcongr` lemmas t-measure-probability awaiting-author WIP help-wanted 16/7 6 2 2024-08-28 13:39 (19 days ago)
#8738 grunweg feat: differential of a local diffeomorphism is a continuous linear equivalence t-differential-geometry awaiting-author help-wanted 132/11 2 15 2024-09-06 22:40 (9 days ago)
#13740 YaelDillies feat: More robust ae notation t-measure-probability t-meta WIP help-wanted 49/3 2 4 2024-09-08 17:44 (7 days ago)
#12266 yoh-tanimoto feat(Topology/UrysohnsLemma): add variations of Urysohn's lemma new-contributor t-topology awaiting-author help-wanted 525/3 3 19 2024-09-11 11:15 (5 days ago)
#10765 Vierkantor feat(Tactic): `ring` modulo a given characteristic t-meta merge-conflict awaiting-author help-wanted 275/108 5 7 2024-09-11 13:16 (5 days ago)
#8885 semorrison feat: use @[csimp] to use exponentiation by repeated squaring at runtime t-algebra merge-conflict help-wanted 144/2 2 34 2024-09-12 07:15 (4 days ago)
#14269 Colin166 feat(NumberTheory/FactorisationProperties): abundant, pseudoperfect, deficient, and weird numbers new-contributor t-number-theory help-wanted 192/0 2 79 2024-09-12 17:23 (4 days ago)
#16740 Jun2M feat(fintype): a subtype of a fintype is a fintype help-wanted 4/0 1 6 2024-09-16 17:20 (5 minutes ago)
#11156 smorel394 feat(LinearAlgebra/{TensorProductBasis,Dual}): basis and dual of `PiTensorProduct` t-algebra merge-conflict please-adopt blocked-by-other-PR 526/7 8 1 2024-07-31 08:14 (1 months ago)
#10654 smorel394 feat(LinearAlgebra/{ExteriorPower,LinearIndependent,TensorPower}): define the exterior powers of a module and prove some of their basic properties t-algebra please-adopt blocked-by-other-PR 739/0 5 42 2024-07-31 08:14 (1 months ago)
#11155 smorel394 feat(LinearAlgebra/Multilinear/DirectSum, LinearAlgebra/DirectSum/{PiTensorProduct,Finsupp}): interaction between `MultilinearMap` and `DirectSum`, and between `PiTensorProduct` and `DirectSum` t-algebra merge-conflict please-adopt 331/2 4 8 2024-07-31 08:14 (1 months ago)
#9915 eric-wieser refactor: Add norm_num machinery for NNRat t-algebra awaiting-CI t-meta merge-conflict please-adopt WIP 512/116 11 1 2024-07-31 08:14 (1 months ago)
#8961 eric-wieser refactor: use the coinduced topology on ULift awaiting-CI merge-conflict please-adopt awaiting-author 46/14 3 6 2024-07-31 08:14 (1 months ago)
#8013 robin-carlier feat(CategoryTheory/Limits/Shapes/Reflexive): the walking reflexive pair new-contributor t-category-theory please-adopt awaiting-author 384/4 1 22 2024-07-31 08:14 (1 months ago)
#7994 ericrbg chore: generalize `LieSubalgebra.mem_map_submodule` merge-conflict please-adopt 16/4 2 3 2024-07-31 08:14 (1 months ago)
#5297 BoltonBailey feat(Data/MvPolynomial): add the Schwartz-Zippel lemma t-measure-probability t-algebra please-adopt blocked-by-other-PR WIP 301/0 3 3 2024-07-31 08:14 (1 months ago)
#9973 Ruben-VandeVelde feat: polynomials formed by lists t-data merge-conflict please-adopt 311/0 2 0 2024-08-14 10:09 (1 months ago)
#9040 BoltonBailey feat: `to_snoc` an attribute for generating lemmas with snoc in them t-meta please-adopt WIP help-wanted 1292/0 1 0 2024-08-15 11:08 (1 months ago)
#7322 BoltonBailey feat: Default list t-computability please-adopt WIP 600/0 1 3 2024-08-15 11:16 (1 months ago)
#7172 BoltonBailey feat: Composition of Turing machines t-computability awaiting-CI please-adopt WIP good first issue 28/0 1 9 2024-08-15 11:17 (1 months ago)
#11090 pangelinos feat: define spectral spaces and prove that a quasi-compact open of a spectral space is spectral new-contributor t-topology please-adopt good first issue 69/0 1 15 2024-08-19 14:43 (28 days ago)
#14127 dagurtomas feat(CategoryTheory): monoidal structure on the category of presheaves of modules workshop-AIM-AG-2024 t-algebra t-algebraic-geometry t-category-theory please-adopt WIP 323/1 4 3 2024-09-02 09:59 (14 days ago)
#14266 dagurtomas feat(AlgebraicGeometry): define a pretopology from a RingHomProperty workshop-AIM-AG-2024 t-algebraic-geometry merge-conflict please-adopt WIP 101/0 3 1 2024-09-02 09:59 (14 days ago)
#14203 dagurtomas feat(Algebra/ModuleCat): descent data workshop-AIM-AG-2024 t-algebra t-algebraic-geometry t-category-theory please-adopt WIP 453/387 3 2 2024-09-02 10:06 (14 days ago)
#16458 jcommelin wombat please-adopt 459/0 1 1 2024-09-03 18:25 (12 days ago)
#9605 davikrehalt feat(Data/Finset & List): Add Lemmas for Sorting and Filtering t-data new-contributor please-adopt awaiting-author 71/0 4 28 2024-09-04 07:22 (12 days ago)
#14686 smorel394 feat (AlgebraicGeometry/Grassmannian): define the Grassmannian scheme workshop-AIM-AG-2024 t-algebraic-geometry please-adopt WIP 1002/0 3 15 2024-09-14 10:05 (2 days ago)
#11800 JADekker feat : Define KappaLindelöf spaces awaiting-zulip t-topology merge-conflict please-adopt 301/2 3 38 2024-09-16 04:51 (12 hours ago)
#12087 JADekker feat : complete API for K-Lindelöf spaces t-topology merge-conflict please-adopt blocked-by-other-PR 789/17 4 2 2024-09-16 04:55 (12 hours ago)

PRs with non-conforming titles

Number Author Title Labels +/- 📝 💬 Updated
#16454 adomani test: CI bench -1/-1 -1 -1 2024-09-04 20:14 (11 days ago)
#16344 robertmaxton42 feat(LinearAlgebra/FreeProduct): add induction principle, further simp opts for lift new-contributor t-algebra blocked-by-other-PR -1/-1 -1 -1 2024-09-12 07:51 (4 days ago)
#16769 Command-Master feat(Combinatorics/SimpleGraph/Walk): add `penultimate` and `snd` t-combinatorics -1/-1 -1 -1 2024-09-15 09:33 (1 days ago)
#16857 siddhartha-gadgil Explicit dependency and update for LeanSearchClient ready-to-merge -1/-1 -1 -1 2024-09-16 16:20 (1 hours ago)

PRs without an area label

Number Author Title Labels +/- 📝 💬 Updated
#16741 Ruben-VandeVelde feat: generalize projective module results to semirings FLT -1/-1 -1 -1 2024-09-12 20:49 (3 days ago)
#16733 pechersky feat(Topology/Algebra/Valued/LocallyCompact): locally compact nonarchimedean field iff complete and DVR and finite field blocked-by-other-PR -1/-1 -1 -1 2024-09-13 22:40 (2 days ago)
#16802 bjoernkjoshanssen feat: add First Derivative Test from calculus new-contributor -1/-1 -1 -1 2024-09-14 20:13 (1 days ago)
#16856 jjaassoonn feat(Algebra/CentraSimple/Defs): definition of central simple algebra blocked-by-other-PR -1/-1 -1 -1 2024-09-16 16:02 (1 hours ago)
#16740 Jun2M feat(fintype): a subtype of a fintype is a fintype help-wanted -1/-1 -1 -1 2024-09-16 17:20 (5 minutes ago)

PRs with contradictory labels

There are currently no PRs with contradictory labels. Congratulations!